
When His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam was around the age of five, He received the scriptural book “Atma Purana” as a gift from Isakki Swamigal, one of His childhood Gurus — a great enlightened Avadhoota (enlightened naked sadhus of India who live without food, water or clothes) from Tiruvannamalai, His birthplace. It is from this first scriptural book that He learnt even the letters of the Tamil and Sanskrit alphabet. From there started the revival of the colossal library of Vedic scriptures of “Kailaasa”, the ancient enlightenment ecosystem that existed as a worldwide civilization several thousand years ago.

Today, Nithyananda Jnanalaya — Kailaasa, is the world’s largest knowledge center of Source scriptures, manuscripts and books of Hinduism, dedicated to collecting, preserving and freely sharing the 20 million Hindu scriptures that are remaining after the foreign invaders burnt the gigantic libraries (Nalanda and Takshashila to name a few) of Hindu scriptures that existed in Kailaasa in ancient India. 1000 years of ruthless invasions, genocide and destruction of ancient universities, akhadas (ancient apex bodies of Hinduism), mutts (monasteries) and Gurukuls (traditional Vedic schools), have left only 20 million Hindu texts for mankind today. His Divine Holiness reaches out to all corners of the world tirelessly to salvage and centralize these remaining 20 million scriptures.


The scriptures are catalogued as per ‘The Hindu Library Classification System’ as originally revealed by Lord Paramashiva to spread the infinite knowledge streams. Employing high-end soft/hard technological infrastructure.

Following are excerpts from talks of HDH on a few occasions on the Nithyananda Jnanalaya:

25 May 2014, Nithya Satsang (everyday morning discourse), Varanasi, North India:

“All our Jnanalayas should be called as “Grantha Samadhis”. In Grantha Samadhi, in Hindu tradition, you cannot remove the books from that library. You should make a place available there itself with chairs and all the facilities to read. And the books should also be worshipped every day. Feel they are God, they are the embodiment of God — Vyasa and Goddess Saraswathi — and worship them to give you the right knowledge and guidance about life.

The 23rd Verse of 16th Chapter in Bhagavad Gita says:

Yah shaastra vidhim uthsrijya varthathey kaamakaarathaha |

Na sa siddhim avaapnothi na sukham na paraam gathim ||

“But he who discards the scriptural injunctions and acts according to his own whims, attains neither perfection nor happiness nor the supreme destination.”

Please understand, in those days, anybody who has any of these kind of conflicts, problems, questions, they will go to Naimisharanya where all the scriptures are stored, and the rishis who have read all the scriptures are available who will refer immediately to the scriptures and give answer to them, to the visitors.”

13 Feb 2018, Address during Mahasadashivaratri, Adi Kailash, Bengaluru:

“So, this is the project of Nithyananda Jnanalaya, offering to the world. Maybe some of you are aware — last 15 years of My public life, Me and our Sangha are continuously gathering all the original scriptures of Hinduism, scanning them, protecting them, translating them, and uploading them in the internet, for free research and download and educational purposes. Sothis project is successfully going on. Now we are offering this to the world. Around 15,000 manuscripts on Vedic, Agamic scriptures to the world. Please enjoy, now it is for you.”

31 Dec 2018 — Address during 42nd Avatar Jayanti Celebrations, Adi Kailash, Bengaluru:

“We are also offering to the world and to Paramashiva gift, Nithyananda jnanalaya, the world’s largest repository on Hinduism, to revive the enlightened civilization. The library has the largest knowledge center of scriptures…more than 20 million Hindu texts as foundation to revive and restore the spiritual, cultural, economic, legitimacy to the enlightened sciences, rituals and lifestyle of Sanatana Hindu Dharma. We have thousands of books and rare palm leaves and manuscripts, secret Hindu archives, and rare manuscripts for people to do research and learn and spread the science of Enlightenment. “

Nithyananda Jnanalaya:

• Digital collection of more than 14500 palm-leaf manuscripts on VedAgama, Tantra, Itihasa, Purana and more

• Procuring and printing palm leaf printing machines; printing on palm leaves for extended preservation, protection and distribution.

• More than 150,000 books on Hinduism

• More than 10,000 rare books from many personal collections, mutts (ancient monasteries) and temples.

• Hindu book collections in English, Tamil, Hindi, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Bengali, Kannada and Telugu. The Kailaasa Nithyananda Library has procured huge collection on various research done in the field of Indology which mainly includes Dharmashastra, Darshana, Itihaasa, temple science, art and architecture, culture and tradition, Vedic sciences, ancient Indian politics, Hindu Law, Hindu cooking and many other such subjects. study of Art and architecture, language, civilizations, philosophy, Yoga and Ayurveda. Some of the special contribution of the Kailasa Hindu Library include the publication of books such as the Nithyananda Jnana Padhdhati, Nithyananda Yoga and discourses by His Divine Holiness on ancient texts such as the Bhagavad Gita

• Largest collection of Shaiva Agama in the world

• Largest collection on Kashmiri Shaivism in world

• Establishing In-House printing for all Digital collection

• In-Collaboration with traditional libraries of oldest mutts (monasteries) and personal collections of individuals.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) — The OCR application is to allow scanned text to be converted into unicode text which can be indexed and searched. The aim is to support OCR of all Indian languages which have texts related to Hinduism. We have successfully developed and tested OCR on a variety of texts with more than one script in a specific text.

The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) experiments has produced good results as mentioned below:

• OCR of Sanskrit Text

• OCR of Kannada, Tamil, Devanagari and few other scripts.

• OCR of Books containing texts in Sanskrit and English together

• OCR of Sanskrit and Kannada or Sanskrit and Tamil together

This is one of the unique contributions by His Divine Holiness to Sanatana Dharma, to make all our Hindu texts to have far reaching accession to people across the globe.

Search Engine:

In present time, we need the ability to phonetically search material, irrespective of the text present in the content of our Scriptures. With the use of latest technology, we have made scriptures more accessible to modern times. This search engine is the first of its kind developed using Panini Grammar and has the following features:

● If we search for the word ‘Shiva’ the search result should include content matching ‘Shiva’, ‘शिव’ or written in any other script like Kannada, Tamil etc.

● The phonetics definition should be according to the aksharas (letters) defined in Sanskrit. For e.g., search for ‘shiv’ should bring up ‘शिवे’, शिवो’ etc.

The pictures in this post show the ruins of ancient scriptural libraries Nalanda and Takshashila, and revival of scriptures as part of revival of Kailaasa by His Divine Holiness starting from the photograph of Isakki Swamigal and the “Atma Purana” book.

For His untiring effort in reviving Hinduism His Divine Holiness has been recognised worldwide through numerous awards. The latest award being from The Azteca University in Mexico which recognized the tremendous scientific contribution made by His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam in the field of Superconsciousness and awarded Him an “Honorary Doctor of Sciences in Hinduism” for this work.




Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA
Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

Written by Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivamis the reviver of KAILASA-the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu Nation

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