Just listening to the life story of an Avatar, is more blissful and greater than enlightenment itself! Such is its sweetness and reality. Following is a verse from Srimad Bhagavatam, the compilation of the life of Lord Krishna the great Hindu incarnation of all times, by Bhagavan Sri Veda Vyasa, where he describes the sweetness of it:
तव कथामृतं तप्त-जीवनं
कविभिर् ईडितं कल्मषापहम्।
श्रवण-मङ्गलं श्रीमद्-आततं
भुवि गृणन्ति ये भूरिदा जनाः॥
tava kathāmṛtaṁ tapta-jīvanaṁ
kavibhir īḍitaṁ kalmaṣāpaham |
śravaṇa-maṅgalaṁ śrīmad-ātataṁ
bhuvi gṛṇanti ye bhūridā janāḥ ||
That which is sweet to hear, That which when heard, immediately raises one to the high conscious state, That which takes us to another level, just by remembering it, That which gives deep pleasure not only to the listener, but also to the person who narrates it, O Lord, may I narrate Your story!
- SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM (Verse 10.31.9), Bhagavān Veda Vyāsa
His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam spoke the following words when dwelling on this nectar-like verse during His everyday morning talk (Nithya Satsang) on 16 Jan 2014 in Haridwar where He was conducting the 21-day Inner Awakening meditation program for a group of international disciples:
“All great Masters, all the great people who contributed to this great tradition (Hindu Tradition), all their leelas (Divine life incidents) are leelas of Mahadeva (The Primordial Hindu Divinity also called Paramasiva). The beautiful Hindu Tradition is the inexhaustible resource of inspiration. Even if you read every day one Master’s life, your whole life you will be reading! That many Masters have
been produced, that many amazing people have been produced! That is why I can’t understand how a Hindu can be depressed! If you are depressed, you are not a Hindu, understand! Because, we have produced such a large number of Jeevan Muktas, incarnations, Jnana Yogis, Siddhas, Paramahamsas, even if you read every day one-one of their biographies, and be inspired, your whole
life you will be reading!”
- HDH, 16 Jan 2014, Nithya Satsang in Haridwar, North India
Merely reading or listening to an incarnation’s life story can raise one’s Consciousness. His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is an incarnation living amidst us today. He is on a mission to give Superconscious breakthrough to humanity fulfilling the aspiration of millions of seekers on the Planet. He is reviving the enlightenment ecosystem called “Kailaasa” that once upon a time existed on the Planet. He is working untiringly to make this available for every being on the Planet.
Pictures: Photograph taken of HDH on 16 Jan 2014 while delivering the Nithya Satsang. 2nd photograph — taken on 25 Dec 2017, during a powerful spiritual awakening process in the 21-day “Mahasadashivoham” breakthrough program at the Bengaluru Aadheenam.
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