The Secret to Richness as revealed by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism taking example from His own Divine Life

“Understand. When your cognition experiences poverty, your logical ideas about wealth, your fantasy ideas about rich life cannot be richness. So even if you get wealth, you will only make this concept of richness as reality. You will be stinking with the money smell. Understand. If you think money saves you from many difficulties, you are practical. If you think money is saviour, you are gone! You are doomed! Money saves but not saviour. There is a big difference. The idea of richness you carry when your Depth cognition experiences poverty, can never be real richness. Same way, The ideas about freedom you carry, can never be right. When your cognition Depth perceives yourself as bound. The other day, we were having discussion with my first circle. Discussions were going on,” How some of the Organisations degrade after the Master leaves the body”, “How some of the Disciples completely change their lifestyle when they leave the Master or Master leaves them or Master is no more in the body”. I said, I made 1 statement, listen - “Now, if Arunagiri Yogeshwara, Vibhutananada Devi, Raghupati Yogi, My Gurus, if they come back, they will be so happy about My personal life”. They will be shocked, I have not even changed. The way I eat, understand not only what I eat, even the way I eat, because I have not received instructions from them, I received Cognitions from them. Whatever I received from My Gurus is not instruction, it is Cognition. Understand.

I did not feel, I did not cognize I was slave, when I was with My Masters. I did not cognize I was slave when I was under them. That is why I do not have cheap versions of freedom, to manifest when they are not there in My life. I did not receive instructions. If I would have received instructions from them, the moment they are gone,” Wow”. Then whatever is your idea of freedom, you will start living it. I never received instructions. I never gathered instructions from them. I gathered Cognitions from them. So if they come back, they will feel exactly- I am as they had left. Understand. Cognitions are the real richness. Right cognitions - cognitions established in the space of Completions is the real richness. Your cognitions about rich life established in completion, will manifest rich life.”

Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA
Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

Written by Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivamis the reviver of KAILASA-the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu Nation

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