
“First, there was a vision. It was like I had slept and woken up. This birth is actually like you slept and woke up! First, I could see a world where darkness covered darkness. Then I saw in South India, Arunachala, and the light on top of it. The next thing, the third thing… I took the body! The reflection on planet Earth happened! Understand deeply: there was no pain or suffering or loss of memory. You all cannot recall the scene of your taking birth. There is no memory there. The moment you enter the mother’s womb, the past memories get disconnected. For Me, that does not happen. When you wake up from sleep, are the dreams disconnected, or are the previous day’s happenings disconnected? No! In the same way, without loss of memory, and without going to the coma stage, it happens with full awareness. With that awareness, first let me tell you what exactly happened. After that I will tell you the interpretation, the significance. Understand: I saw three slides.

A glimpse of Arunachala — the sacred hill around which the town of Tiruvannamalai is situated, said to be the physical embodiment of Paramashiva, when He appeared in the form of a shaft of Light.

The first slide: a world where darkness covered darkness; I saw the Cosmos.

The second slide: Tiruvannamalai mountain and the light; I saw it at 11.45 p.m. At that moment itself, I took the body, but for the delivery to happen, and for My mother to see Me, it took till 12.32 p.m. It has taken one kshana — around 45 minutes. It means that the mind was so peaceful, that one kshana was 45 minutes; it was peaceful without the next thought coming in. I saw very clearly that in all the three states — waking state, dream or sleep, it was like as if I was in the normal, awake state, and I entered the body just sitting in that state! This is fundamentally My birth. What you need to understand deeply about birth is, if you are without samskaras (engraved memories), if your nadi (energy channels) or kshana is broad, you can be born in a very simple, easy way, with awareness. This is what they call conscious birth.

Tiruvannamalai — The birthplace of His Divine Holiness.

Next, I saw very clearly, suddenly a light ball, whatever I feel as ‘Me’, landed into My mother’s umbilical cord. When I landed, when that light ball landed, already My body was out of My mother’s womb. Maybe I can put it in this way: the umbilical cord had stretched to the extent that the necessity to be in the mother’s womb was no more. I do not know whether I was physically out or not; the umbilical cord had become so stiff that the necessity to be in My mother’s womb was not there anymore. So I remember very clearly, I landed only on the umbilical cord; then I just saw that I had a body, and immediately I had the vision of Arunachala! That is all that exactly happened. I don’t know exactly when My physical eyes opened, or when I physically happened on the planet Earth… meaning, the physical identification of the exact physical time, chronological time, I am not able to scan… because, as per the medical understanding, when there is no more necessity to be in the mother’s womb, the child comes out of the body and the umbilical cord is disconnected. I am saying that I was already out of My mother’s womb. But when I scan inside, from the spiritual experience I don’t have any verification about whether My body was already out of My mother’s womb or not, when I landed. I only felt that the necessity to be in My mother’s womb was not there. It was at that moment, that light just hit My mother’s umbilical cord and assumed this body. From that moment, I know this body is there, which happened out of that light, that intense light. If I describe it, maybe I can say it was a light ball or something like that. Whenever I fall asleep, I fall into that only. Whenever I fall into samadhi, I fall into that, that’s all. All other superficial things that happen, like jagrat (waking state), swapna (dream state), and sushupti (deep sleep state) are only superficial. That is why all those three do not make any difference in this body.

Arunachala, during twilight.

In the below pictures, one can see the sacred temple town of Tiruvannamalai, birthplace of His Divine Holiness in South India, State of Tamilnadu. The town is at the foothill of the sacred Arunachala Hill, which is an embodiment of Paramasiva, the primordial Hindu Divinity.”

- His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam



Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA
Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

Written by Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivamis the reviver of KAILASA-the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu Nation

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