Sacred Feminine Worship
10 September 2017
Sanatana Hindu Dharma’s unique contribution to the world is the authentic, and oldest tradition of Sacred Feminine Energy — worship of Devi, the Universal Cosmic Mother.
Revealed by His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam on the tradition of sacred Feminine Worship on 10 Sep 2017:
“The unique contribution to the spiritual Consciousness from the Vedic tradition is: sacred Feminine Worship. Even if everything from what Vedic tradition gave is lost in some tsunami or earthquake, then just if the Sacred Feminine tradition is there, then the whole thing can be revived because that is the “seed”. Hinduism has at least 10,000 sampradayas (sub-sects). If all sampradayas are lost for some reason, and only this one sampradaya, the Devi worship, remains, I tell you the whole thing can be brought back! Because the whole thing is centered on this one — Mother worship! Mother worship carries the blueprint, the hologram of the whole Vedic tradition. Just this one book has 700 sloka (points to a book titled CHANDI, on Mother worship containing 700 verses). If all the Vedic scriptures are put together, it will be at least 10 million slokas (verses). Even if all the 10 million were lost except this 700, this Chandi, the whole Vedic tradition will be revived! The whole Vedic tradition will come back.
That (sacred Feminine worship) is a hologram of the Vedic tradition. There is no enlightened being on the planet Earth without worshiping the sacred Feminine, including me. I am basically a Shakta — I myself followed Devi worship. From the beginning if you see my biography and all the deities I carved, the darshan I had, all mother based, Devi based. Ramakrishna (a great enlightened Master from India who lived from 1836–1886) says: Shiva is brahman but Devi has the key to reach Brahman! Unless she opens, nobody can reach! Very beautifully he describes a house scene: Even though husband is the owner, the key to the house will be on the hip of the mother! Either you have to fall at the feet of the Mother, or these small sons of the mother; only they can touch that place (the hip of the mother) and remove the key! Nobody else can touch. So either, surrender to mother or people who are closer to mother to reach!”
In the picture below, His Divine Holiness is Himself performing the powerful “Chandi Homa” — fire ritual to invoke the Presence and Grace of Mother Chandi Devi. This is the first ever Chandi homa performed by His Divine Holiness on 7 Nov 2000 in the Rajarajeshwari temple in Tiruvannamalai, Tamilnadu, South India. His Divine Holiness not only imparts the profound Truths of Sanatana Hindu Dharma but also gives the real experience of it. In the photograph below, one can see the Divine form of Devi appearing in the fire and accepting the offering given by His Divine Holiness. Every single person present saw this miraculous and Divine Happening, and experienced the vivid presence of Divine Mother Chandi inside them. It is with such deep “real” experiences that each individual’s conscious growth happens in Hinduism. His Divine Holiness spares no effort in making it happen for every individual every single time through His untiring hard work and Divine Grace.
The remaining pictures from this homa can be viewed in this album:
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