Aruṇagiri Yogishwara is Paramasiva Himself who graced the physical plane a few thousand years ago in human form. He retained His human form for a few hundred years and taught the science of Enlightenment to His chosen disciples. He is worshipped as Arunācaleśvara, the presiding deity of the Arunācaleśvara Temple. His jeeva samadhi (final resting place) lies inside the Arunācaleśvara Temple in Tiruvannamalai, South India, the birthplace of The Avatar.
Arunagiri Yogishwara assumed the form of a young ascetic and befriended His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, The young Avatar, when He was around 10 years of age for a period of nine months (approximately April 1988 to January 1989), creating the sweetest Guru-Disciple relationship in the annals of History for humanity to cherish and imbibe.
The nine-month relationship culminated in the profound experience of Advaita or Oneness. The nine-month period holds the most intimate and powerful happenings between Arunagiri Yogishwara and The Avatar. Merely listening to them can straight away impact the cognitions and Consciousness of the listener. In His own words, The Avatar reveals the Happening of receiving the Sanyas initiation from Arunagiri Yogishwara:
“One day I told him, “Please come to My house.”
He laughed and said, “You come to the house, the place where I am staying; the house where I am staying.” The
moment he said it, I knew: ‘wow, it is such an opportunity!’ I said, “Come on, take Me.”
He said, “Come on, let’s go.” Bending, he entered that cave. I remember that he just held My hand and pressed it. Please understand: now I want to put this on record… for the first time when he pressed My hand, I lost body consciousness. So from this moment onwards, whatever I am describing, I do not know whether physically I was part of that scene or I was taken out of My body and this experience happened. I am not able to clearly tell, because the moment he pressed My hand to pull Me inside the cave along with him, I lost body consciousness, and even the scenes I remember after that were not like this world.
He just walked into the cave and I also walked with him. Suddenly the cave opened and we came out and I saw a huge banyan tree, a little bigger than our Bidadi banyan tree. The place itself can be seen by the eyes but your body cannot enter it. It is a metaphysical plane. Physically the eyes can see but body cannot enter into that place.
That time I entered along with Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara. Even now I can enter, but I have to leave this body behind and enter — not using this body. Still the banyan tree can be seen. It is seen even in Google Earth.
It was on Arunācala hill that much I can very clearly say — the huge banyan tree, and maybe some twenty or thirty Sādhus were sitting around the seat of the Guru. The seat of the Guru was empty. They were all sitting down meditating. The moment he walked in, all of them stood up and did namaskar. The way they bowed down, I understood he was the Guru of that group.
The way he went and sat, literally he sat like Dakshinamurti.
Maybe after some time, their attention turned to Me. One person said, “Who is this person? He is the o nly person without kavi (saffron robes) here, who is not a swami, not a Sanyāsi.” When I heard what he said, immediately My kundalini stood up! I said, “I may not be wearing kavi but I am also a Sanyāsi only.” And I saw Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara laugh. Then he asked, “Why are you not wearing kavi?” I told him, “You give me; you give me kavi.” He laughed and he looked towards someone. Immediately I saw one Sādhu bring kavi cloth! I did not even have a second thought to remove and throw My dress. I just removed My entire dress. Naked, I walked near him without even having a second thought. And he himself tied that kavi cloth around My waist like a dhoti. He himself tied it. And I still remember; he just tied the cloth and hugged Me. He gave energy darśan by putting his hand on My head. Naturally, the experience was just out of the world! And I came and sat in the group. Now I felt one with that group and the group also felt one with Me. They did not feel then that I was an outsider.
One good thing: I still have the cloth given by him! Because the cloth is there, I feel that the experience has either happened in the physical plane or a metaphysical plane which can get converted to the physical plane. There are some metaphysical experiences which disappear when the conversion into the physical plane happens. But there are some solid metaphysical experiences that become physicality when they come down to the physical plane.
Sri Ramakrishna once had an experience of (Lord) Rama giving him a pot full of porridge, a mud pot full of porridge. When he came down from that experience, he had the pot in his hand! The pot was there. It did not disappear. Only Rama’s form disappeared. So I can say that this experience was in the metaphysical plane, but the items given remained when it settled down into the physical plane. That is why I feel the experience has become a physical bio-memory in Me. It remains as a physical bio-energy.
Once it became a little dark, late evening, he said, “Come on, let’s go back to the temple.” I said, “Okay.” He brought Me back. When we entered the cave again, he was holding My hand. When we came out of the cave to the exact place where we entered, only there he left My hand. I saw that only when he left My hand I came to physical awareness.
All these references to this banyan tree under which this young Guru taught older disciples, as Arunagiri Yogiswara or Dakshinamurthy, are to Shambhala, the abode of the Saptarishis (seven sages), the cosmic energy center.
You can reach Shambhala from Tapovan, which is over 15,000 feet high in the Himalayas, beyond Gangotri and Gomukh. With the Guru’s help you can reach Shambhala from anywhere. Guru can act as an airstrip to take you to that space at any time. The banyan tree that Ramana Maharshi refers to and the banyan tree at Bidadi are like airstrips or helipads. These are locations to take off and reach the spiritual plane where Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara resides in pure consciousness as Dakshinamurthy, Shiva Himself.
He left Me in the temple, saying, “You can go now,” and he went away inside his cave.”
His Divine Holiness cognized Himself as a Sanyasi (monk) from the beginning. He defines a Sanyasi as one who has realized that enlightenment is the only goal in life and dedicates his life towards enriching people for it 24x7.
Sanyas is one of the five pillars of “Kailaasa”, the enlightenment ecosystem of ancient India that His Divine Holiness is reviving on the Planet. He has initiated and is continuing to initiate hundreds of disciples into the path of Sanyas. In the Vedic age of ancient India, the child was left with the Guru by age 7. Thereon He grew under the enlightened guidance of the Guru until physical maturity after which the Guru on observing his flow of energy would decide whether the child would continue on the path of Sanyas or move to the path of a grihastha (married householder).
His Divine Holiness has been commemorated with several awards and recognitions for His contributions in reviving Hinduism through the various pillars. On 11 October 2015, President of the Akhil Bharatiya Akhada Parishad, India, Sri Mahant Swami Narendragiriji, delivered a letter of recognition applauding His Divine Holiness for His divine austerities spiritual penance, strength and His contribution to Sanātana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism) and to humanity.
The Akhila Bharatiya Akhada Parishad. Akhada Parishad is the governing body of all the 13 akhadas in the Hindu Sanyas Sampradaya (Monastic Tradition). It organizes the Kumbh Mela, which is the world’s largest gathering of humanity on the planet.
The pictures portray 1) The jeeva samadhi (final resting place) of Arunagiri Yogishwara, 2) Digital painting portrait of Arunagiri Yogishwara and Swamiji 3) The saffron robe given by Arunagiri Yogishwara 4) His Divine Holiness adorning the saffron robe given to Him by Arunagiri Yogishwara 5) Revival of the Sanyas tradition by His Divine Holiness 6) The letter given by Narendragiri ji
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