On 6 September 2011, Scientific researchers studied the spiritual power of “object materialization” and Kundalini awakening (awakening of the latent enlightenment energy inside every being) using whole body CT (Computerised Tomography) scan and QEEG (Quantitative Electroencephalography) machine on His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam and an initiated disciple in whose throat the object materialized and emerged.
The study (1) scientifically validated that the brain waves change significantly from alpha to delta waves during Kundalini awakening, and (2) verified that materialization of objects indeed can be recorded on the CT scan. The research captured the materialisation of the object in the throat of the subject. The scientific research happened at The Clumax Diagnostics & Research Centre Pvt Ltd. Bengaluru. India.
“Object materialization” is a spiritual power that manifests through spiritual initiation and Advaita — “Oneness” with the Divine. In “Kailaasa” — the enlightened ecosystem that existed in ancient India and all over the world, established by Paramashiva (Primordial Hindu Divinity), spiritual power manifestation was a lifestyle where all the spiritual powers gifted by Paramashiva were manifested by the civilization that existed then. They were the great enlightened beings, Siddhas, mystics, rishis and mutants who contributed the great Vedic Sciences from Vaimanika shastra (Science of building aircrafts) to Ayurveda (Holistic System of Indian Medicine) to Sushruta Samhita (Ancient Science of Medicine and Surgery) which are being referred and researched by modern day Scientists till date. All spiritual powers including materialization were invoked in the appropriate context as a Superconsciousness based lifestyle for a certain purpose. It is this lifestyle that His Divine Holiness is bringing back as revival of “Kailaasa”.
The Vedic scriptures (Shastras) have clear references called Shastra Pramanas (Scriptural verses that are references) for each spiritual power. A scriptural reference for the spiritual power of object materialization is as follows:
Sanskrit verse:
Transliteration of above verse in English:
yathā hi artho’sphuṭo dṛṣṭaḥ sāvadhāne’pi cetasi |
bhūyaḥ sphuṭataro bhāti svabalodyogabhāvitaḥ || 3.4 ||
tathā yatparamārthena yena yatra yathā sthitam |
tattathā balam ākramya na cirāt saṃpravartate || 3.5 ||
- Spanda Kārikā, Section 3, Vibhūti Spanda, sutra 3.4, 3.5 (Scripture name: Spanda Kārikā; Section Name: Vibhūti Spanda; Sutra means “the technique”. The numbers indicate the verse numbers.)
Translation of above verse:
Indeed just as an object which, in spite of all the attentiveness of the mind, is perceived and seen indistinctly at first, then appears and manifests more distinctly and clearly, when observed with the strength of one’s visual power. So, when the Yogi resorts to the power of Spanda in its highest essential nature, that is, in one’s essential dynamic, pulsating nature of Oneness with Paramashiva, then whatever thing or object or idea actually exists in its highest dimension in whichever form (which one seeks to know or manifest), wherever in whichever place or time, in whichever state or dimension, that thing or object at once (and not after a long time) appears and manifests in that very way.
His Divine Holiness initiates thousands of disciples into spiritual power manifestation through Advaita — Oneness. He introduces the powers with Shastra Pramanas (scriptural references) for a complete knowledge and understanding.
On 25 April 2019, The Azteca University in Mexico recognized the tremendous scientific contribution made by His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam in the field of Superconsciousness and awarded Him an “Honorary Doctor of Sciences in Hinduism” for this work. “His work in establishing the possibilities and powers of superconscious breakthrough and scientifically demonstrating, validating and explaining its working has started a new era for humanity and for science,” they said.
The pictures show research in progress. The circled object (diamond stone in this case) can be seen materializing in the throat of the initiated disciple, captured through CT scan. Also included are the report from Clumax and the Honorary doctorate certificate from Azteca University.
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