On 14, 15 Feb 2004, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam launched the second level global meditation program — Nithyananda Spurana Program (NSP) — in San Jose, USA.
The NSP is an intense 4-day program (in India) and 2-day program (USA and other countries) that helps overcome the fundamental fear of death which in turn helps one embrace life fearlessly and expansively. It also prepares one for a conscious death experience when it actually happens in each one’s life.
Following are words of His Divine Holiness while introducing this program on one of the occasions, “There are seven energy bodies in us: Physical, Pranic, Etheric (Subtle), Spiritual, Causal, Cosmic and Nirvanic bodies. Let us see exactly how death happens. First we move from the physical body. You may be thinking, ‘I came to learn how to live but Master is teaching all about death!’ But unless we understand the mysteries of death, we will not have a clear idea about life. Our concept about death totally changes our concept about life. Our philosophy about life changes when our philosophy about death changes.
See, in the East, nobody cares for time. Things will happen in their own way, things take their own sweet time. Why? Because all the eastern religions believe in many births! We have eternity in our hands! If not today, tomorrow. If it is not coming today, tomorrow, otherwise, next janma!
All western religions talk only about one birth. They say, after death, we don’t have any birth. That is why, western people are so time-conscious. Whatever has to be enjoyed has to be enjoyed in these 70–80 years. Nothing else can be done. We have to finish it. That is why their life style, everything is catered around this time consciousness.
The idea of death changes the whole idea of life. So, never think learning about death is a waste. That is the basic lesson everyone has to learn. First a person moves from the physical layer, means this body which we are having, to the pranic layer, which involves inhaling and exhaling, the energy or the air movement, the prana (life energy) movement inside our system.
When we move from first layer to second layer, all our unfulfilled desires, the way we wanted to live but did not live, all those things usually come up. It is almost like in a room 10 persons are standing and like a football, all the 10 people are kicking. What will happen? How the football is kicked from this corner to that corner, that corner to that corner and back from that corner to here. In the same way, our Consciousness is kicked from all the corners. It moves from all the corners because in each corner some desire is standing and kicking. Our desires will be forcing us one side to enter into the body so that we can live and enjoy. On the other side, the body will say, ‘No! I am tired. I can’t host you anymore; leave!’ On the other side, the pranic layer, the desires will force us to live inside the body. That is what is the pulling and pushing of death. Pulling and pushing is nothing but the fight between the desires and the body.
And somehow if we move from the pranic layer slowly, next we enter into the mental body. In the mental body, all the guilt rises. All the guilt is about the way in which we wanted to live, but we never lived. See, desire is about the future, guilt is about the past. But both are one and the same! The way in which we want to live is desire, the way in which we wanted to live but didn’t is guilt. I always tell, guilt is nothing but reviewing our past decisions with updated intelligence.
Our intelligence is continuously updated. With this updated intelligence, we review our past decisions. For example, at the age of 7, your mother comes and calls you to take food. She says, ‘Enough you played with toys. Throw them, come and eat.’ What do you say, ‘No, I don’t want to eat; I want to play’. If your mother comes and tries to snatch the toys, what do you do? You not only cry and maybe even curse your mother. But now you know that the toys are not so important as your mother. Your mother is more important. With this updated intelligence, we can’t create a guilt, ‘Oh! That time I cursed my mother’. That time we had only that much of intelligence. All our decisions are made with the available intelligence. All the guilt is nothing but trying to review past decisions with updated intelligence.
Then if we move a little away, a little deeper comes the etheric layer which is related to all our sufferings. Like this, each and every layer has got its own samskara (associated engraved memories).
Actually, traveling through these 7 layers only is called as ‘hell’. Really, there is no other separate place called hell. Hell or heaven are not geographical, they are psychological.
From my experience I tell you — leaving the body peacefully is the greatest gift anybody can have. If you have got that gift, you achieved whatever has to be achieved. You have lived your life; nothing else needs to be achieved. If you have not achieved that, nothing is worth achieving.”
His Divine Holiness leads people through the 7 different types of memories that surface and makes them relive and write them down in detail, thus creating a “conscious” death experience. This coupled with powerful meditations liberates one from the fear of death and therefore fear of life as well.
His Divine Holiness Himself had a conscious death experience in Manikarnika Ghat in Varanasi, North India during the nine years of spiritual wandering around 21 years of age (approximately 1999). Every Conscious powerful experience He had prior to setting up the mission, He has gifted to humanity untiringly through the various spiritual initiations and meditation programs, with utmost shraddha (sincerity) to the purpose of His advent on the Planet.
His Divine Holiness conducted the subsequent NSP programs throughout the world ensuring thousands of seekers secured the gift of a Conscious death process through this program. The first NSP program in India happened on 24 May 2004 in Tamil language and first English NSP program in India happened on 31 May 2004, both in Adi Kailash, Bengaluru, South India. The program sessions are translated “live” into multiple regional languages by translators, during the sessions for those groups of people.
At the end of the first NSP, His Divine Holiness gave the participants a pleasant surprise by offering them the option of receiving a spiritual name from Him. He meditated on the being of each individual and gave them a spiritual name that indicated their specific path and means to enlightenment: be it knowledge, or devotion or service and so on. They could use their name as a reminder about their path and align to it thus aligning to achieving their enlightenment. The participants in San Jose became the first historic batch to receive spiritual names from His Divine Holiness. Today thousands have received spiritual names from HDH at the end of the numerous types of meditation programs that have happened after that. The spiritual name was printed on a certificate and given to the person during the energy darshan (concluding session where HDH gives a touch of the divine energy to each individual through the Ajna chakra energy center located between the eyebrows).