His Divine Holiness has been speaking untiringly 20 hours everyday for the past 18 years, imparting enlightening Truths to either his own disciples, or to his administrators on the nuances of micromanaged administration, or to a private audience, or to a public gathering worldwide. He has delivered almost 20,000 hours of recorded talks, darshans (giving an experience of the Divine touch to each individual) and meditation programs which amounts to 1.6 petabyte of recorded content. He is the most watched spiritual Guru on with over 35.68M watched hours on
His Divine Holiness has received numerous awards and recognitions for His powerfully impactful worldwide talks on the Truths of Hinduism. His satsangs are a huge contribution to the revival of “KAILAASA”, the enlightenment ecosystem that once upon a time existed on Planet Earth and which He is reviving now around the world for giving Superconscious breakthrough to humanity. One such award or recognition particularly for His is spiritual talks is when He was named the world’s 100 most spiritually influential personalities by the renowned esoteric magazine ‘Body Mind Spirit’, published by London’s Watkins in the year 2012.
The first ever public satsang (spiritual talk) delivered by HDH was organized by His Yoga Guru Yogiraj Yogananda Puri in Tiruvannamalai, His birthplace when He was barely 11 years of age. Yogiraj was one of the spiritual leaders of Tiruvannamalai who recognised the incarnationhood of His Divine Holiness at age 3. He declared to the gathering of people on during that historic satsang that one day scores of people would gather to hear His Divine Holiness talk. His Divine Holiness shares on the historic satsang at age 11 thus:
“Ragupathi Yogi arranged for My first public discourse on Patanjali’s Yoga Sūtras ( Sutra — Aphorism — №9) when I was 11, in Tiruvannamalai. He had a public function and put Me on stage. He himself did pādapūjā (ritualistic worship offering to the feet) and fell at My feet saying: As per tradition, in all the Advaita mutts (monasteries following the doctrine of Oneness), including the Sringeri mutt, the Guru does pādapūjā and ārati (offering of lit camphor) for all the others to follow the one initiated as Peetadhipati (Leader of the spiritual Seat), to respect him. I also kept quiet. But the devotion with which he did, I was not able to tolerate.
The next day I remember, just leaning on the pillar, I was sitting next to him pressing his calf muscle and asking him, “What is this thatha… (it is the word for grandfather)… Why did you sprinkle (all that)… and I saw tears in your eyes. Tell me the truth.” This is too intimate a moment. He was actually relaxing with closed eyes. When I asked him he said, “Aye, leave it, it is okay.” I still remember, I shook his leg and said, “No tell Me.” Then he slowly opened his eyes… the tears rolled from his eyes, and he said, “I know you are an incarnation and I want to be the first person who did pādapūjā to you!”
The pictures show 1) Photograph of Yogiraj Yogananda Puri 2) Photograph of The Young Avatar His Divine Holiness at age 12 3) the open area in front of the Arunachaleshwara temple (in Tiruvannamalai, His birthplace) where the first historic satsang at age 11 happened 4) Photograph of HDH on 25 Mar 2009 when He delivered the very same 9th Sutra of Patanjali Yoga Sutras to a worldwide audience from Los Angeles, USA. 5) 20 Dec 2007 — HDH delivering a talk to a packed audience in Bengaluru, South India on 20 Dec 2007. It was a 3-day series of talks titled “Nithya Dhyaan” 6) Recognition from London Watkins Magazine.
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