Listening to the greater truths from Yogi Ramsuratkumar

"When you listen to the greater truths, higher truths, internalize and share it with the others, you become truth grinding machine. Truth grinding machine not only grinds the truth, grinds and destroys all the patterns. I tell you, every moment I sat with Yogi Ram Surat Kumar, the great yogi, every moment, I can see very clearly, he was a truth grinding machine. He was grinding all the great spiritual truths in his system. Every word he uttered was the guru prasada, the gift from the great yogi. And every word I received from him, every guru prasada I received from him has removed my own sufferings, my own delusions, my own illusion.

I tell you, Ram Surat Kumar is the right example of how a truth grinder behaves. See, I had the proximity of many great sadhus, babas, yogis, incarnations, but for this example, I can remember only Ram Surat Kumar, because every time I had the possibility of being at his feet, he will be grinding some great truth in himself and put glimpse of the truth in me. I have seen, anything he said directly went and became part of me."

Below is a photograph of Yogi Ramsuratkumar.

Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA
Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

Written by Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivamis the reviver of KAILASA-the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu Nation

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