This post is a brief sharing of His Divine Holiness about His Yoga Guru Yogi Yogananda Puri, and His mastering the Science of Yoga with him, since age 3. The Avatar explored Yoga with Yogi Yogananda Puri primarily at the Krittika Mandapam inside the Arunachleshwara Temple in Tiruvannamalai. Sometimes the Yoga sessions would happen at other locations as well.
Of the same caliber as great yogis like Kinaram Baba and Trailinga Swami, Yogirāj Yogānanda Puri was a seventh or eighth generation powerful yogi of the Nātā Sampradāya — a lineage of yogis that traces its source to Paramasiva Himself, where Sādhus (ascetics) master the Science of manifesting spiritual powers called Śaktis, expressing them in their most raw and powerful form:
Top to bottom: Yogi Yogananda Puri throughout his lifetime.
“One day during My yoga training, maybe when I was ten years old, Yogananda Puri made Me do Surya Namaskar from sunrise to sunset! (Surya Namaskar is a sequence of 12 yogic postures more commonly called the Sun Salutation)
He just said, “Do Sūryanamaskār till I come back,” and went away. Only in the evening he came back! When you start doing the Sūryanamaskār, by seventy or eighty rounds, you will have the idea, “No, I cannot! No more! Forget about it!” But if you somehow push it, by 150 or 200 rounds, you will have a breakthrough. After that, whether it is 2000 or 3000, you will not even remember! That breakthrough point is what I call satori (a glimpse of an altered state of higher consciousness).
That breakthrough point happens when you understand Time. If you understand Time, even with boundary of past and future, and make yourself intense, that breakthrough happens into boundaryless Time. When you understand and experience that breakthrough point, mind becomes ‘vedic mind’; body becomes ‘yogic body’. With that breakthrough point only, your personal computer becomes a laptop with an internet connection to the cosmic energy!
I literally felt as if My knees had become individual, independent parts! I could not handle myself, I didn’t know what to do with My joints!
So he himself brought a gunny bag from nearby, and he himself cut it and tied it around My knees.
Then slowly I walked to My house, and Yogananda Puri also came with Me. The moment I entered the house, I just fell flat on the floor!
Raghupathi Yogi faces My cousin’s fury!
My cousin-brother who lived in the same house, and who was dumb and deaf, was highly protective and possessive of Me.
He asked in his own language, “Swami, what happened? What happened?”
I could not tell anything. I just pointed towards Yogananda Puri to indicate, “Ask him.”
But this guy — My cousin — didn’t understand. He thought that Yogananda Puri was responsible for My condition. So he went inside the house and brought a knife to kill Yogananda Puri; he was trying to cut Yogananda Puri! And he said — gesturing in his own way — “Whoever did this to my Swami, I will not leave them alive!”
Then My father came and interfered and stopped him.
My father’s amazing cognition — If Guru does it, it is right.
Yogi Yogananda Puri
His Divine Holiness (around the age of 12)
My father also could not understand what happened to Me. My father was also highly possessive of Me. I saw, already there were tears in My father’s eyes.
He asked, “What happened? What happened?”
I said, “From morning till evening, I did Sūryanamaskār… so I have knee pain.. so I tied these.” Immediately, I saw My father’s face change. When he understood it was between Me and Yogananda Puri, he just hid his tears and said, “If Guru does it, it is right. Keep quiet.”
Transmission of knowledge needs your stability
Yogananda Puri had the complete freedom to demand authenticity from My body. He was a great yogi who had the highest intelligence about how much the body can be stretched, how much the mind can be pulled.
Actually, where is the breaking point?
To tell you honestly: there is no breaking point other than your mind fixing the breaking point!
The biggest poison the British gave to Indians, to kill and destroy the Vedic civilization, is the pseudo concept of freedom. It took away our stability. And today, even Indian laws don’t promote or support stability.
For example, when somebody joins the ashram (monastery), only if he is stable I can transmit all these great mystery sciences to him.
See, the day My mentor Yogananda Puri adopted Me, he built a very clear conscious inner image for Me, outer image for Me, life image for Me, My image about life for Me. So, I knew that till death, this is going to be My life. Because of that stability, he was able to transfer so much spiritual knowledge to Me.”
It is this original Yoga taught by Yogi Yogananda Puri that His Divine Holiness has gifted to humanity, as part of revival of “Kailaasa” — the original enlightened civilization established by Paramasiva (the primordial Hindu Divinity) in all parts of the world. Yoga forms an important component in the enlightenment ecosystem for every individual to build a Yogic body which can hold and radiate the state, space, powers, being and Superconsciousness of Paramasiva.
The pictures above show Yogi Yogananda Puri, His Divine Holiness (around the age of 12), and the pictures below show the Krittika mandapam where the Yoga lessons happened inside the Arunachaleshwara temple.
Top to bottom: The Krittika mandapam where the Yoga lessons happened inside the Arunachaleshwara temple.
Today, His Divine Holiness is reviving the same authentic yoga to millions of disciples across the world. The revival of authentic yoga is an integral part of reviving the Kailaasa ecosystem. The strength of the nervous system through yoga enables the human body to retain the energy explosion of enlightenment. Below are a few pictures of the modern revival of yoga in the enlightenment ecosystem of Kailaasa:
#Autobiography #Avatar #Nithyananda #Swamiji #Yoga #Enlightenment#Incarnation #Shiva #Vedic #Hindu #Temple #Suryanamaskar #Body