
Aruṇagiri Yogishwara is Paramasiva Himself who graced the physical plane a few thousand years ago in human form. He retained His human form for a few hundred years and taught the science of Enlightenment to His chosen disciples. He is worshipped as Arunācaleśvara, the presiding deity of the Arunācaleśvara Temple. His jeeva samadhi (final resting place) lies inside the Arunācaleśvara Temple in Tiruvannamalai, South India, the birthplace of The Avatar.

Arunagiri Yogishwara assumed the form of a young ascetic and befriended The young Avatar when He was around 10 years of age for a period of nine months (approximately from April 1988 to January 1989), creating the sweetest Guru-Disciple relationship in the annals of History for humanity to cherish and imbibe.

The nine-month period holds the most intimate and powerful happenings between Arunagiri Yogishwara and The Avatar. Merely listening to them can straight away impact the cognitions and consciousness of the listener. The nine-month relationship culminated in the profound experience of Advaita or Oneness for The young Avatar. In His own words, The Avatar reveals one such incident:

“Once, Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara was supposed to give Me an initiation.

He told Me, “It is a ritualistic initiation, so prepare formally.”

That meant I would have to get a fruit, a betel leaf and betel nut. In those days the dakṣiṇa, or the offering to the guru, would be four annas, four coins. And I had to get a towel or cloth for offering as well. These are the things you would gather to offer the dakṣiṇa to the guru.

The whole guru dakṣiṇa for this ritual would cost one rupee or one and a half rupees. I went to My grandfather, since he was the funder usually for all My rituals and expenses!

I told that I have this ritual to do, and for that I want some money. Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara told Me that before the sun set, I should come. I knew now the sun was going to set, I needed to run, but I was standing there nagging, thinking that if I stood for a few more minutes, I could get a few more coins. I could buy something with that when I got back to the temple. As usual, when I stood there for a little more time, My grandfather smiled at the cashier and he gave Me a little more.


By the time I came to the temple, I can say the sun had almost set — it was just about to set, or rather, almost set completely.

Usually, when I went to see Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara, he would give a very wide smile and stretch his leg so that I could touch his feet. He would always say, “Va da” (Come, child). That was the way he used to receive Me.

That day, he did not stretch his leg. I will not say he did not smile, but it was a limited expression. Immediately, I knew something was wrong. I was shaken.

I rushed to him, caught his feet and told him in Tamil, “Swami, forgive me, I got late. I made a mistake.”


He told me in Tamil, “You are being greedy for money.”

It just shook Me! Because for initiation, I didn’t need extra money. I didn’t need to be standing there nagging My grandfather for a little more money for something which I thought I could buy, and after all, easy money coming…

It was a slap, a shock. I just woke up. And I am a guy who never touched money except for such rituals.

I remember, I collapsed completely. I decided to choose Aruṇagiri Yogīśvara and dropped the remaining coins at his feet. Never ever even the casual greed came after that. Even if it was casual, it could not keep Me from my Guru. It was too small, but too big.

Some messages you cannot directly tell. You will get into defense. Then you cannot be taught. The cognitive shift cannot be happening. I can only underline. I cannot directly tell you because you will get into defense.

Only if you catch the subtle messages given by the guru, your cognition can be solved.


When I just completed at his feet and dropped everything, I vowed never to have this casual greed again. He just brought Me from his feet to his face. He put a hand on My head and turned My face to see the sun. I swear, it was back in the sky!

Thankfully I was so connected to My Guru, the minute he gave Me even the smallest of signs, I immediately completed and achieved that space once again with him.”

The core of Hinduism is the Guru-Disciple relationship through which the transmission of the enlightenment knowledge happens. The nine-month period with Arunagiri Yogishwara is a powerful imprint on any seeker’s Conscious growth in the process of revival of “Kailaasa”, the original enlightenment ecosystem established by Paramasiva.

The pictures show the Jeeva samadhi (final resting place) of Arunagiri Yogishwara inside the temple, a digital painting portrait representation of Arunagiri Yogishwara and His Divine Holiness — The young Avatar, a picture of His Divine Holiness paying His respects to Arunagiri Yogishwara at the jeeva samadhi alongwith a group of disciples, and the proof of evidence from the internet that on a particular day (15 Aug 1988) in the during this nine-month period, there were two sunsets recorded!



Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA
Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

Written by Autobiography Of The Avatar from KAILASA

His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivamis the reviver of KAILASA-the ancient enlightened civilization, the great cosmic borderless Hindu Nation

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